29 August 2007

Wild Blue Yonder

The Navy and the Air Force post their unpublished opinions, other than summary dispositions, with both Westlaw and Lexis. A check of Westlaw and Lexis shows an interesting phenomena. The Navy cases get posted right away. The Air Force has posted several cases on their web site dated August 2007 but none appear on Westlaw or Lexis yet.

I know this is the summer, but let's get it going AF. You haven't posted any cases on your web site in the last two weeks. I know the judges must have been turning out some cases.

Of course, the Army web site is a disaster. They hardly post any cases there. They have posted only 2 unpublished opinions so far in August. Perhaps they are posted at Army Knowledge Online, that seems to be the way the Navy is doing it.

Don't you have some obligation to make them available on a public web site?

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